Practical Guide to Visas - English edition
Publiée le 08/09/2017 dans Pros, Zone Franche, Worlds echos

Zone Franche and the Artists Visas Committee have launched on December 2016 to Trans Musicales de Rennes the Practical guide to visas for the french speaker arts and culture professionals.
The french world music network is now glad to present the english version of the Practical Guide to visas.
This Guide takes stock of recent legislative and regulatory improvements linked to the adoption of the french law 7 March 2016 on the rights of the foreigners in France. This new law seeks to improve France's economic attractiveness, as well as international mobility, and includes measures to simplify formalities, with a direct impact on professional practices for those working with foreign artists. The simplification of the procedure of granting visas, as recommended by Zone Franche, is a major improvement for all those working on the front line to help foreign artists break through and develop a career in France.
Zone Franche wants to thank members of Artists Visas Committee for their attentive review such as the SFA-CGT, the SNAM-CGT, the UFISC, the Prodiss and Mobiculture.