Le Réseau des musiques du monde

A Filetta / sarl deda

Production de spectacles — Production discographique

ïle Rousse
Tel : 04 95 60 64 42
32 U Carubbu
BP 21
20 220 ïle Rousse — France

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The group founded the production company DEDA in 2000 in order to produce concerts and the albums of the group.
A Filetta has contributed to the cultural development of the island as co-organizers of the Rencontres de Chants Polyphoniques de Calvi since 1989 but also have opened themselves to other universes and types: theatre, soundtracks, operas for children, contemporary dance etc. Apart from the touring and the creation, A Filetta has recorded or participated in the recording of many albums.

Informations sur les artistes produits, en tournée, programmés

A Filetta is a group of 7 corsican polyphony singers founded in 1978. Today the group is a part of the Corsican cultural landscape and performs in Europe and abroad. The group founded the production company DEDA in 2000 in order to produce concerts and the albums of the group.