Arts Nomades
Production de spectacles — Tourneur — Production discographique

104 route du Col du Feu
74 550 Orcier — France
Arts Nomades, a non-profit organisation, aims at :making a large audience receptive to the richness of the cultures from elsewhere which are quite present in our European environments, and at promoting the works of international artists rooted in the realities and the expectations of their societies.
Informations sur les artistes produits, en tournée, programmés
Recently, Arts Nomades has:
-produced artists from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Bolivia India, Nepal, Pakistan and Turkey in Europe and Maghreb, as well as French artists in Pakistan and Spain.
Latest concerts, have been:
- the Pakistani Sindhi Sufi singer Jamal Uddin faqir, at the Konya Mystic Music Festival, Turkey (September 25th., 2015);
- the Indian Hindu Monks-artists from Majuli island at the 'Sacrées Journées' music festival in Strasbourg (7, 9 & 10November 2015).
- delivered lectures on ‘Sufi music’ in India, Pakistan and France;
- promoted Arts Nomades CDs (latest one: the Bangladeshi Lalon Faqir 's singer 'Farida Parveen, Live in Holland')
- promoted its artistic director Pierre-Alain Baud's Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan biography, published in French,Urdu and English (latest Indian edition, released in May 2015 : "Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, the Voice of Faith, Harper & Collins publishers, New-Delhi , India).