Association Taxi Pantaï
Production de spectacles — Enseignement / formation

42 chemin du Vallat de Pommet
84410 BEDOIN — France
Since 2008, Taxi-Pantaï offer a contemporary musical creation nourished by Mediterranean traditions, by sharing music and songs in artistic practice workshops for all audiences and by bringing the Provençal language and culture to life through various events (concerts, balls, shows, etc.).
Informations sur les artistes produits, en tournée, programmés
TANT QUE LI SIAM, polyphonic group for 4 voices and percussion, sings an original repertoire of poems collected around Mount Ventoux and in Provence.
Musicians :
Marie-Madeleine Martinet - Voice, pandeiro, sagattes
Audrey Peinado - Voice, percussions
Mario Leccia - Voice, zarb, daf, tamburello
Mickaël Portalès - Voice, percussions
LA BANDE A KOUSTIK TRIO sings of a world where borders waltz, in Provençal, Berber, Arabic and French. Festive music from Occitania and from Mediterranean where guitar, accordions, rebab, violin, voice and percussions sing a hymn to a plural and always renewed culture.
Musicians :
Marie-Madeleine Martinet - Chromatic accordion, vocals and percussion Mario Leccia - Diatonic accordion, vocals and percussion
Driss Raissaras - Violin, rebab, percussion, guitar and vocals