Production de spectacles — Tourneur — Edition — Production discographique

Tel : 09 81 67 10 89 France
14 Rue Saint CHARLES
31000 TOULOUSE — France
Touring agency for 20 years, KLAKSON produces artists from the new French and Canadian music scenes. It is recognized for its work with emerging artists. Since 2018, it has been developing its own phonographic and audiovisual production business, and a music publishing business via SAS BRUIT ROSE Publishing.
Informations sur les artistes produits, en tournée, programmés
Roster 2024 :
Nidia Gongora_Canalon de Timbiqui & Reco Reco (France-Colombie),
Nomadic Massive (Canada),
Alumni :
The Wanton Bishops (Liban),
Clozee (Usa-France),
Canailles (Canada)